eating disorders
treatment programs

comprehensive eating disorders treatment program 

Treatment of eating disorders in teens, adolescents and children, and adults requires true expertise, principled approaches, ethical care, authenticity, and flexibility to maximize patient outcomes. Drs. Wendy Oliver-Pyatt and Amy Boyers of Galen Hope have extensive expertise treating eating disorders at every level of care.  

Together, they have created and implemented innovative and compassionate care to individuals of all ages, diagnoses, and symptom severity. Their programs are designed for clinicians and clients to work closely with one another in order to move toward internal regulation of food, mindful movement, and self-care in nourishment of body, mind, and spirit. 

working with all forms of eating disorders

At Galen Hope, we strive to interrupt the progression of eating disorders in teens and adults, to avoid the need for a higher level of treatment, or to offer a quality alternative for those who may have experienced repeated hospitalization or programs that didn’t “stick,” as well as to assist clients who are stepping down from that higher level of care. We work with all forms of eating disorders and with people of all sizes, and we embrace the idea that self-compassion, mindfulness, and self-care are vital to healing from the devastating impact of eating disorders. 

Galen Hope is particularly suited to those who do not “fit in” with the traditional services provided by the majority of programs that currently treat eating disorders, or whose life circumstances require a more individualized approach. These individuals include adults and adolescents with: 

Programs are also available for those with UFED and/or a history of treatment for eating disorders at the residential or outpatient level of care who have plateaued. All eating disorder cases will be evaluated by the admissions department and the clinical team to determine whether our program is an appropriate setting for your care.  

highly attuned eating disorders treatments and therapies

Galen Hope provides specialized eating disorders treatment that’s focused on helping each patient evolve into an anchored foundation in which their relationship with food is based on self-awareness, self-compassion, the principles of mindful eating, and personal empowerment in response to our diet-focused, weight-oppressive culture. 

  • Individual nutrition therapy with a registered dietitian 
  • Weekly nutrition groups 
  • Family nutrition coaching 
  • Pre- and post-meal process groups to ground clients in mindful eating principles and body awareness  
  • A systematic approach to increasing nutrition freedom, such as portioning, regulation, movement level, based on client’s insight, process, and stage of change 
  • Exposure therapy, including restaurant outings, grocery shopping, life skills development related to food preparation, and family meal support

principles of nutrition at galen hope

Assorted Foods

All foods fit:

All foods have the ability to provide nourishment. 

Pensive Woman

Intuitive eating:

Connecting with our bodies, and listening to its signals.


Mindful eating:

Being present in the eating experience, non-judgmentally.

Diverse Body Types

Honoring body diversity:

Health comes in many shapes and sizes.

our nutrition philosophy

The nutrition philosophy at Galen Hope is grounded in mindful and intuitive eating, and regaining a connection with body cues regarding hunger and fullness that may have been lost along the way. We not only ensure our clients receive the nutrients they need to nourish and sustain their physical health, but also help them achieve a sense of emotional peace around eating and body image. 

Meals at Galen Hope are prepared by our private chef and served in a family setting. Each one emphasizes a variety of tastes, textures, and cuisines, as well as makes room for client preferences. Clients with eating disorders receive personalized meal plans based on their medical, nutritional, dietary, and cultural needs. 

We eat together as a group, to rekindle the happiness and sense of connection that comes from sharing a meal with others. In doing so, we focus on becoming more attuned to their body’s natural cues and taking pleasure in eating nutritious, nourishing foods.